As homeowners in Georgia, we’re used to dealing with all kinds of weather, from hot summers to rainy springs and falls. And while we may think of wind and hail as relatively minor weather events, they can cause quite a bit of damage to our roofs. That’s why it’s important to have your roof inspected by a professional following any significant storm or weather event.

Hail Damaged Shingles
Hail Splatter and hits on Roof in Augusta Georgia

One of the main problems with wind and hail damage is that it can be difficult to spot. While a missing shingle or a large hole in your roof is obvious, damage from wind and hail can be much more subtle. For example, hail can cause small dings or indentations in your shingles that may not be noticeable from the ground. Similarly, high winds can lift or crack shingles, which can also be hard to spot.

However, even small amounts of damage to your roof can lead to leaks. And leaks, in turn, can cause significant damage to your home, including rot, mold, and structural damage. Therefore, it is crucial to have your roof inspected by a professional following any storm that involves wind or hail. A professional roofing contractor in Georgia can identify any damage, no matter how small, and make repairs before they turn into bigger problems.

Creased Shingles due to high winds
Creased shingles caused by high winds

Another reason to have a professional inspect your roof following a storm is that it can help you with your insurance claims. If your roof is damaged by wind or hail, your insurance company may cover the cost of repairs or replacement. However, the insurance company will want to see documentation of the damage. A professional roofing contractor near you can provide you with an inspection report that details any damage, which can be used to support your insurance claim.

The inspection process will involve the following steps:

It is important to not take wind and hail lightly and have the roof inspected by professional after any such events. This will help you identify any damage caused and prevent them from turning into bigger issues.